Cherokee layouts should all serve to establish the concept of a human community, even in situations where only a single human subject is presented. We have laid out ways below that will do this.
Basic Layout
A simple grid system is advised to provide that sense of “one of many collective individuals”. This allows for multiple images, logo blocks and varying product shots. This can be very useful for Social Media sliders. This does not mean that every visual design needs to be presented with multiple images, often one strong image is more powerful, however it should evoke that sense of a "collective".
Same Subject: Same Product
Tell a product story across multiple images of the same subject. This serve to capture expanded facets of the personality and the product.
Singular portraits
For sots of single subjects, simple color blocked balckgrounds to hold the logo work well. Additionally, where possible, the transparent logo in blue or white allow the sublect to breathe.
Campaign Story Examples
Examples shoing many of the rules incorporated into website banners; using diptychs and employing black and white against color imagery, pulling out color of garments, Using color in graphic and type and laying out type to tell a compelling intoductory story.