Usage proportions
Construction & Composition
Grid examples
Linguistic and copy principles
Color Scheme
Our brand color scheme is made up of our primary colors, functional greys and supporting colors where needed.
Brand bento
Our branding at a glance.
Brand Colors
A palette of brand colors has been selected that evoke a feeling of freshness, vividity and contemporary dynamism; colors of energy inspired by the vitality of natural elements.
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Functional Greys
We also have a series of functional grays based on the Infinity Black that can be used for more functional uses, in support of the Primary colors.
Color usage proportions
Below is an approximate guide of how we should think of color for Infinity, and the approximate proportions.
The main area would be the image content. We then should aim for around 20% of the image using our black or white ( for logos, taglines, messaging )
The final 10% is to drop in color if and where required. This brand is not a candy store brand so we need to be tasteful and sparing with how we use color, so it does not look noisy. However, color is a great way to instantly create a vivid and electrifying pop of energy, so use it as an ingredient where deemed necessary.
Color Combinations
All of our pop colors work well against either solid black or solid white, as shown here.
Color Pairings
Here we see how we should pair colors if and when required. ( we recommend never using more than 2 pop colors for any individual visual - use sparingly ) These combinations work well, as further exemplified in the logo placements below.